A group of children with unique superpowers join forces to rescue their parents and save the world from an alien threat after escaping from a battle between aliens and their superhero parents, with the help of Missys grandmother who trains them to work together. We Can Be Heroes is a 2005 American English-language Comedy Action movie featuring Yaya Gosselin, Lyon Daniels, Andy Walken, Hala Finley, Lotus Blossom, Dylan Henry Lau and Pedro Pascal. Double R Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Racer Rodriguez and Robert Rodriguez. The motion picture is written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. We Can Be Heroes was released on 25th December 2020 and takes a screen time of 97 minutes. Cinematography was done by Robert Rodriguez and editing by Robert Rodriguez. The music was composed by Rebel Rodriguez.
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