In the 19th century, a struggling applejack salesman seeks redemption and respect by transitioning into fur trapping, facing numerous challenges and personal growth along the way that leads to unexpected friendships and a renewed sense of purpose. Hundreds of Beavers is a 2022 English-language Action Adventure motion picture featuring Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, Olivia Graves, Doug Mancheski, Wes Tank, Luis Rico, Brendan Steere and John Horne.
Jini Score 7.5/10
Critics Score 81%
Rating 7.7/10
Jini Score 7.5%
Critics Score 81
Rating 7.7
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Date09 FEB 2024
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Hundreds of Beavers Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 81%
Michael Ward
And part of what undoes the novelty of Hundreds of Beavers is that it stretches its unique approach to the point of exhaustion. ( Read More )
Jack Martin
Its incredibly silly with some juvenile gags involving faecal matter, but there is precise thinking behind it all, and the filmmakers do not rely too heavily on the cheaper jokes to get its laughs, with plenty of charm and wit going into its bonkers execution that makes the most out of its limited resources. ( Read More )
Sarah Manvel
More importantly, theres a wild and wildly dramatic sense of animal unpredictability thats a little like Wes Andersons stop motion animation, except centered around Mr. Tews ludicrous and ludicrously good performance. ( Read More )
Joshua Ryan
Every passing scene reveals another layer to this uniquely assembled mishmash of a story, proving itself as a one of a kind comedy that defies imagination. ( Read More )
Lisa Laman
Hundreds of Beavers, meanwhile, is a shining beacon of how to tip your hat to yesteryear while making something incredibly fresh. ( Read More )