The story of Rameswari centers around her friendship with Maruti, a Hindu deity who protects her from mistreatment and teaches her about faith, compassion, and the importance of strong friendships. Maruti Mera Dosst is a 2009 Hindi-language Animation Adventure motion picture starring Shahbaaz Khan, Sushmita Mukherjee, Erik A. Nanda, Sameksha, Ritika Shah, Murli Sharma and Saumyy Shivhare. Maruti Mera Dosst was Produced by Abhimanyu Singh. Maruti Mera Dosst is written by Mann Katoja and Manikya Raju and it is directed by Manikya Raju. Maruti Mera Dosst was released on 5th June 2009. Maruti Mera Dosst was made on a budget of ₹2 crore and at the box office it grossed only ₹29 lakh.
Jini Score 8.9/10
Rating 7.9/10
Jini Score 8.9%
Rating 7.9
Maruti Mera Dosst Watch Online
Date05 JUN 2009
Budget₹ 2 CRORES
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Maruti Mera Dosst Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
This one has two kids essaying central roles, merges animation and live, has loads of computer graphics, but, for a very valid reason, it just doesnt magnetise the kid or the kid in you. ( Read More )