The story follows Durga Devi, who desires a grandson but learns to value daughters through a series of mix-ups and revelations surrounding her youngest son and daughter-in-laws baby. Beti No. 1 is a 2000 Indian Hindi-language Drama Comedy movie starring Govinda, Rambha, Aruna Irani, Prem Chopra, {{syed Bablu Uddin}}, Rakesh Bedi and Ashalata Wabgaonkar. Beti No. 1 was Produced by Rajeev Kumar and Nilesh Dadhich. Beti No. 1 is written by Santosh Saroj and directed by Rama Rao Tatineni. S K Enterprise Haslingden LTD acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Beti No. 1 was released on 10th November 2000. Cinematography was done by Dr. Prasad Babu and editing by Tony Glaad. The music was composed by Viju Shah.
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