The Rainmaker is a 1997 American English-language Crime Drama film starring Matt Damon, Claire Danes, Jon Voight, Mary Kay Place, Mickey Rourke, Danny Devito and Claire Robinson. The movie is inspired from The Rainmaker by John Grisham. The Rainmaker was Produced by Steven Reuther, Michael Douglas and Fred Fuchs. The Rainmaker is written by John Grisham, Francis Ford Coppola and Michael Herr and it is directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Paramount Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. The Rainmaker was released on 16th April 1998 and takes a screen time of 135 minutes. The Rainmaker was made on a budget of $40 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $45 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Francis Ford Coppola. Cinematography was done by John Toll and editing by Melissa Kent and Barry Malkin. The music was composed by Elmer Bernstein.
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Jini Score 9.5/10
Critics Score 56%
Rating 7.2/10
Jini Score 9.5%
Critics Score 56
Rating 7.2
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Date16 APR 1998
Budget$ 40 MILLION
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The Rainmaker Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 56%
Kelly and Rudy dont have a romance, exactly; Coppolas screenplay is too smart to stop the action for obligatory love scenes, and Rudys legal life has become so complex that theres no time for personal matters. ( Read More )
Unlike Tom Cruise in The Firm, hes bleeding in the shark pool, and knows it. ( Read More )