A boy named Mowgli lives in the jungle with a pack of wolves, but when a tiger threatens his life and kills the wolf pack leader, Mowgli is forced to leave and later returns to defeat the tiger and become a protector of the jungle. The Jungle Book is a 2016 English-language Adventure Drama motion picture featuring Neel Sethi, Bill Murray, Ben Kingsley, Idris Elba, Lupita Nyong o, Scarlett Johansson and Patrick Pinney. The Jungle Book was Produced by Jon Favreau. The Jungle Book is written by Justin Marks and Rudyard Kipling and it is directed by Jon Favreau. The Jungle Book was released on 7th April 2016 and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released and became successful at box office. The Jungle Book was made on a budget of $177 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $966 million. At the 2017 Oscar Awards It won an award for Best Achievement in Visual Effects.
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The Jungle Book Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 89%
Keith Garlington
Its a simple but heartwarming story that never flatlines and never insults its audience by dumbing itself down. ( Read More )
Matt Zoller Seitz
It was made with the latest in movie making technology but has the ethical values and wide net storytelling sensibility of an Old Hollywood classic. ( Read More )
Sandie Angulo Chen
Visually stunning and expertly acted, this retelling of a classic pays tribute to the original adventure while erasing the insensitivity of parts of Disneys 60s version. ( Read More )
Andrew Barker
Its here that the familiar plot beats from Disneys first Jungle Book outing kick in, and Mowgli joins forces with an ingratiatingly lazy bear, Baloo (Bill Murray). ( Read More )
The Jungle Book renders its entire animal cast digitally, including the ones that dont speak. ( Read More )