The protagonist Paul Atreides embarks on a dangerous journey to an unknown planet, where he discovers his true power and undergoes a transformative journey while exploring themes of destiny, sacrifice, determination, and the potential of individuals to shape the future. Dune is a 2021 American English-language Action Adventure film starring Timoth E Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsg Rd, Dave Bautista and Richard Carter. The movie is based on Dune by Frank Herbert. Dune was Produced by Denis Villeneuve, Cale Boyter, Joe Caracciolo Jr. and Mary Parent. Dune is written by Denis Villeneuve, Eric Roth and Jon Spaihts and it is directed by Denis Villeneuve. Warner Bros. Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the film. Dune was released on 16th September 2021 and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. Dune was made on a budget of $40 million and at the box office it grossed only $30 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Jon Spaihts, Eric Roth and Denis Villeneuve. Cinematography was done by Greig Fraser and editing by Joe Walker. The music was composed by Hans Zimmer. At the 2022 Oscar Awards It won 6 awards including: Best Sound, Best Achievement in Visual Effects, Best Achievement in Production Design, Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Score), Best Achievement in Film Editing and Best Achievement in Cinematography.
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Dune Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 87%
Manuel São Bento
But let me focus on this first chapter because it has a lot to explore and discuss. ( Read More )
Keith Garlington
Ive never read Herberts book and I dont remember a thing about David Lynchs 1984 film. ( Read More )
Cory Woodroof
The tonal clash of Courages artsy/creepy horror comedy and Scooby Doos kooky 60s mystery caper isnt nearly as jarring as youd expect. ( Read More )
Paul Emmanuel Enicola
What we are given in return is a visual spectacle thats incisive, introspective, and immersiveall at once. ( Read More )
Vadim Rizov
Dafoes handwriting was loopy but sloppily legible cursive, Hawkes enviably neat longhand; Isaac demonstrates freakishly legible, disciplined and consistent cursive. ( Read More )