In the 1970s, an unconventional filmmaker and a renowned gangster collaborate to bring the gangsters acting aspirations to life on the big screen, but face obstacles due to his criminal past and doubters, ultimately transforming their lives and leaving a lasting impact. Jigarthanda Double X is a 2023 Tamil-language Action Comedy motion picture starring Lawrence Raghavendra, Surya S.j., Shine Tom Chacko, Aravind Akash, Naveen Chandra, Bava Chelladurai and Vidhu. Jigarthanda Double X was Produced by S Kathiresan. The movie is directed by Karthik Subbaraj. Jigarthanda Double X was released on 10th November 2023. The music was composed by Santhosh Narayanan.
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Jigarthanda Double X Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 53%
Jimmy Cage
JIGARTHANDA DOUBLE X is Karthik Subbarajs best film to date. An epic action dramedy that is, for the most part, really well told and with a lot of heart and passion celebrates the love for cinema. ( Read More )
Sruthi Raman
Narayanan and Subbaraj go back more than a decade, but it is in Jigarthanda DoubleX that their collaboration feels the most raw and personal. ( Read More )
Bhuvanesh Chandar
Now begins a 172 minute long saga, packing so much into it, that at times it gets exhausting to remember all the details. ( Read More )
Panos Kotzathanasis
Not much more to say, if you like your movies fun, f**ked up, and without much nonsense, you would have to try very hard to do better than Jigarthanda Double X ( Read More )