In a future where humans live on Nova Prime, the Ranger Corps must defeat the Skrell aliens fearsome creatures, Ursas, after one kills the daughter of Ranger leader Cypher Raige, leading to Cypher and his son Kitai embarking on a dangerous mission on Earth to activate a distress signal beacon for rescue. After Earth is a 2013 American English-language Action Adventure movie featuring Jaden Smith, Will Smith, Sophie Okonedo, Zoë Kravitz, Glenn Morshower, Kristofer Hivju and Ted Evans. Columbia Pictures in association with Overbrook Entertainment, Blinding Edge Pictures and Relativity Media. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Caleeb Pinkett, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, James Lassiter and M. Night Shyamalan. After Earth is written by Gary Whitta, M. Night Shyamalan and Will Smith and it is directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Sony Pictures Releasing acquired the distribution rights for the movie. After Earth was released on 6th June 2013 and takes a screen time of 100 minutes. The Film was successful at box office. After Earth was made on a budget of $130 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $243 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Gary Whitta and M. Night Shyamalan. Cinematography was done by Peter Suschitzky and editing by Steven Rosenblum. The music was composed by James Newton Howard.
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After Earth Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Positive Review Rating : 19%
Ignatiy Vishnevetsky
Its hard to blame Shyamalan for the downright embarrassing opening, a choppy mess of redundant exposition that seems to belong in a different movie. ( Read More )
Owen Gleiberman
The movie takes off from a concept as basic as a videogame, and it sticks to that concept, without surprise. ( Read More )
Scott Foundas
Festooned instead with special effects from CG animals (none as convincing as Pis tiger) to bits of CG volcanic ash hovering against charcoal CG skies its a leaden affair, even at barely 90 minutes (not counting credits). ( Read More )
Alexander Lowe
Its dull, and the missed opportunities are painful especially for sci fi lovers.The sole positive aspect is the few monsters we see, but theyre so sparse that the only thing exciting about the film is waiting and hoping that another cool beast will burst onto the screen. ( Read More )
Common Sense Media Editors
The heartbreaking deaths of some animals and the super scary alien monster add emotional depth and thrills, but the action is punctuated with genuine laughs and family warmth, which takes the edge off. ( Read More )