The story revolves around a successful but dishonest businessman, Mr. Khote, who teaches two young men, Dilip and Vijay, that cheating is essential for succeeding in business, leading to conflicts and a bet centered around Vijays commitment to truth, as the story delves into themes of honesty, deceit, and the quest for success. Khara Kadhi Bolu Naye is a 1987 Indian Marathi-language Comedy Drama film starring Sharad Talwalkar, Padma Chavan, Laxmikant Berde, Savita Prabhune, Deenasha Daji, Chetan Dalvi and Nayantara. Khara Kadhi Bolu Naye was Produced by Ravi Namade. Khara Kadhi Bolu Naye is written by N.g Karmarkar and directed by Ravi Namade. M Ulka Film Distributors acquired the distribution rights for the film. Khara Kadhi Bolu Naye was released on 31st December 1986. The music was composed by Sudhir Moghe along with Shridhar Phadke.
Jini Score 2.5/10
Jini Score 2.5%
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Date31 DEC 1986
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