The story follows Nisha and Akhil as they elope against Nishas fathers wishes, leading to a search by both the police and private detectives, as they navigate a web of murder, suspicion, and danger while trying to find safety and protect their relationship. Lapun Chapun is a 2006 Indian Marathi-language Comedy Thriller film featuring Ashok Saraf, Bharat Jadhav, Kavita Lad, Maithili Varang, Vikram Gokhale, Ila Bhate and Jaywant Wadkar. Lapun Chapun was Produced by Satish Kulkarni. Lapun Chapun is written by Arun Nasikkar and directed by Kumar Sohni. Lapun Chapun was released on 16th October 2006. The music was composed by Shrirang Aaras.
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