The story follows Shesh, an intelligent boy who falls in love with his cousin Kalyani, but faces separation from her due to his mothers intervention, leading him to become obsessed with a sacred grove, experience mental illness, and ultimately receive treatment and support from his sister Seena and Kalyani. Devrai is a 2004 Indian Marathi-language Drama Crime film featuring Atul Kulkarni, Sonali Kulkarni, Devika Daftardar, Tushar Dalvi, Amruta Subhash, Mohan Agashe and Ashwin Chitale. Devrai was Produced by Y. N. Oak Of Schizophrenia Awareness Association and K. S. Vani Memorial Trust. The movie is directed by Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Sukthankar. Everest Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Devrai was released on 11th March 2004 and takes a screen time of 108 minutes. Cinematography was done by Debu Deodhar and editing by Sumitra Bhave, and Virendra Valsangkar. The music was composed by Shrirang Umarani.
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Devrai Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
Debu Deodhars masterful camerawork gives visual glimpses of Sheshs surreal world and Atul Kulkarnis brilliant poetry expresses the emotional discord. ( Read More )