D.S.P. Salvi, a law enforcement officer, is faced with a conflict when his daughter falls in love with the criminal he is assigned to capture, leading to a struggle between his duty and the consequences of her actions, highlighting themes of love, sacrifice, and the complexities of family relationships while exploring the transformative power of love. Jyotibacha Navas is a 1975 Indian Marathi-language Drama movie starring Suryakant, Vikram Gokhale, Padma Chavan, Rajshekar, Rajni Bala, Master Bhagwan and Ramchandra Varde. Jyotibacha Navas was Produced by M.s.salvi. Jyotibacha Navas is written by Baba Kadam and directed by Kamalakar Torne and Kamlakar Torne. Jyotibacha Navas was released on 15th April 1975. The music was composed by Sudhir Phadke.
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