This story follows the journey of two sisters, Mani and Vini, as they navigate their respective paths in life, facing opposition and challenges due to societal expectations, ultimately highlighting the importance of family support and the sacrifices one must make to pursue their own happiness and fulfillment. Sarivar Sari is a 2005 Indian Marathi-language Drama movie featuring Madhura Velankar, Neena Kulkarni, Mohan Joshi, Bharat Jadhav, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Gunaji and Manasi Salvi. Sarivar Sari was Produced by Lata Narvekar and Bharti Achrekar. The motion picture is written and directed by Gajendra Ahire. Sarivar Sari was released on 20th October 2005. The music was composed by Bhaskar Chandavarkar.
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