Two engineering college students plan a trip to Mumbai in a relatives car, but their journey takes a dark turn when they are accused of murder and their inexperienced lawyer fights to prove their innocence, despite facing his own legal troubles. Kay Dyache Bola is a 2005 Indian Marathi-language Comedy Drama motion picture featuring Makarand Anaspure, Akshay Pendse, Umesh Kamat, Sharvari Jamenis, Sachin Khedekar, Arun Nalawade and Girish Joshi. Kay Dyache Bola was Produced by Dr. Uday Tamhankar. Kay Dyache Bola is written by Chandrakant Kulkarni and Ajit Dalvi and it is directed by Chandrakant Kulkarni. Kay Dyache Bola was released on 4th November 2005. The music was composed by Amar Mohile along with Tyagraj Khadilkar.
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