The film follows a young man named Yohaa who seeks to join the army, faces issues with his employers family, flees with their car, discovers the employers daughter in the back seat, travels to meet Yohaas friend, Varadhan, falls in love with Renuka during the journey, retrieves important documents with Varadhans help, escapes from Yohaas uncle, gets married on a train as a condition for release, and ultimately achieves his dream of becoming a serviceman, living happily with Renuka. Maranthen Mei Maranthen is a 2006 Indian tamil-language Drama motion picture featuring Ajith Kumar, Mantra, Goundamani, Senthil, Crane Manohar, Poornitha and Yohaa. Bhagyam Cine Combines was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) N. Pazhaniswamy. The movie is directed by C. Sivakumar. Maranthen Mei Maranthen was released on 13th October 2006 and takes a screen time of 134 minutes. Cinematography was done by A. Karthik Raja and editing by K. Mohan. The music was composed by Deva.
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