A movie script based on the novel Dhanjyotsna explores the complex relationships between Sakhina, Nur, and Meher, as Sakhina struggles with financial difficulties in her marriage to Meher and becomes dismayed when Nur returns a significant gift that Meher had pawned. Aamaar Bhuvan is a 2002 Indian Bengali-language Drama Family movie featuring Nandita Das, Kaushik Sen, Bibhas Chakraborty, Arun Mukherjee, Koushik Sen, Saswata Chatterjee and Alok Mukhopadhyay. Aamaar Bhuvan is written by Afsar Ahmed, Mrinal Sen, Debajyoti Mishra and Afsar Amed and it is directed by Mrinal Sen. Aamaar Bhuvan was released on 30th December 2018 and takes a screen time of 107 minutes. The music was composed by Debojyoti Mishra.
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