Pon Ondru Kanden, a Tamil film released in 2024, delves into the lives of two middle-aged bachelors, Siva and Sai, who reconnect at their school reunion and reminisce about their past rivalry. As they mend their differences, they both find themselves attracted to Sandy, sparking a new dynamic in their friendship. Directed by Priya and starring Aishwarya Lekshmi, Vasanth Ravi, and Ashok Selvan, the film explores themes of love, friendship, and competition, offering an engaging narrative set against the backdrop of personal growth and romantic complications.
Jini Score 8.6/10
Rating 6.8/10
Jini Score 8.6%
Rating 6.8
Pon Ondru Kanden Watch Online
Date14 APR 2024
Romantic comedy
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