Werner Herzogs captivating documentary explores the world of active volcanoes, highlighting their sheer power, cultural significance, and scientific aspects through stunning visuals and storytelling. Into the Inferno is a 2016 English-language Documentary Drama movie starring Werner Herzog, Clive Oppenheimer, Katia Krafft, Maurice Krafft, Sarmin, Tim D. White and German Qoheleth. Into the Inferno was Produced by Andr Singer and Lucki Stipetic. The movie is written and directed by Werner Herzog. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Into the Inferno was released on 28th October 2016 and takes a screen time of 104 minutes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. The film made a box office gross of $0 million. Cinematography was done by Peter Zeitlinger and editing by Joe Bini
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Into the Inferno Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 68%
Matt Zoller Seitz
A series of portraits of obsessed people, each painted by one of the most likable obsessives in cinema. ( Read More )
Jeffrey M. Anderson
Into the Inferno is fascinated by the impermanent nature of our world, and is perhaps a strong reminder to appreciate what we have while we have it. ( Read More )
Matthew Anderson
As well as scientific facts and figures, its the magical side of things which Herzog seeks to elucidate. ( Read More )
Dominick Suzanne-Mayer
Yet, as a simple exercise in watching Herzog and Oppenheimer engage with like minded inquisitors, its a diverting enough entertainment. ( Read More )
Alissa Wilkinson
Inferno doesnt explicitly attack the Catholic Church in any manner. ( Read More )