The story follows the lives of two friends in a coastal town plagued by gang violence, as they become powerful gangsters and ultimately face each other in a deadly confrontation. Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana is a 2021 Indian Kannada-language Crime Drama motion picture featuring Raj B. Shetty, Rishab Shetty, Gopalkrishna Deshpande, Vineet Kumar, Deepak Rai Panaje, Shabarish Kabbinale and Anil Raj Uppala. Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana was Produced by Vachan Shetty and Ravi Rai Kalasa. The motion picture is written and directed by Raj B. Shetty. KRG Studios acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana was released on 19th November 2021 and takes a screen time of 151 minutes. Cinematography was done by Praveen Shriyan and editing by Praveen Shriyan. The music was composed by Midhun Mukundan.
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Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 64%
Excellent direction and brilliant performance by @RajbShettyOMK and @shetty rishab sir tooo amazing. ( Read More )
He doesnt feel physical pain and doesnt shed a tear but subtly breaks down once and even that only because hes emotionally hurt. ( Read More )
For people who are just coming out of their post quarantine lockdown shell, GGVV doesnt disappoint. ( Read More )
This gangster film has enough and more killings, but theres a certain poetry in Praveens visuals. ( Read More )