Obi-Wan Kenobi series follows the iconic Jedi Master on a mission to save a young Leia while being hunted by the Empire, set to premiere on Disney+ in 2022 with Ewan McGregor reprising his role. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a 2022 American English-language Action Adventure series featuring Ewan Mcgregor, Rupert Friend, Sung Kang, Moses Ingram, Benny Safdie, Joel Edgerton and Tom O connell. The series is based on Star Wars by George Lucas. Lucasfilm was the production house involved in the project. The series is directed by Ewan Mcgregor and Deborah Chow. The series premiered on May 27, 2022. Disney Platform Distribution acquired the distribution rights for the television series. Obi-Wan Kenobi was released on 27th May 2022. Cinematography was done by Chung Chung-hoon. The music was composed by John Williams.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 82%
The show doesnt hesitate to twist the knife in him: Leia reminds him of Padm shortly before Reva reveals Anakin is still alive. ( Read More )
Obi Wan Kenobi isnt going to provide answers to our pressing real world problems. ( Read More )
The series two most engaging bonds exist between Obi Wan and Leia, and Obi Wan and Vader. ( Read More )
But while it doesnt feel cluttered, it also (thankfully) doesnt feel as sparse as Boba Fett or as endearingly straightforward as Mandalorian. ( Read More )
Heres a painfully uncool trollsack, raised with delusions of grandeur, who doesnt notice hes getting puppeted by a charismatic tyrant. ( Read More )