The series follows the exciting adventures of the wealthy Scrooge McDuck and his family, who face different challenges and obstacles while embarking on thrilling escapades. DuckTales is a 2017 American English-language Animation Action television series featuring David Tennant, Ben Schwartz, Danny Pudi, Kate Micucci, Bobby Moynihan, Beck Bennett and Abby Ryder Fortson. The series is based on Uncle Scrooge by Carl Barks. Walt Disney Television Animation was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Jymn Magon, Bob Hathcock, Alan Zaslove, Fred Wolf, Tom Ruzicka, Ken Koonce And David Weimers and Alan Burnett. Series originally aired on Syndication. Buena Vista Television acquired the distribution rights for the television show. Creator of the series is Jymn Magon. DuckTales has 4 seasons and a cumulative total of 100 episodes which have a running time of 22 minutes each. DuckTales was released on 29th September 2018 and takes a screen time of 22 minutes for each episode. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. The music was composed by Mark Mueller.
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DuckTales Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 93%
Fear doesnt have to rob you of your confidence, just find a new way to channel it into fighting back! ( Read More )
While the episode doesnt seemingly develop anything major for the show, it at least gives us some nice back story for Donald. ( Read More )
Even if youre trapped on the moon or life feels like a hurricane, its those bonds that give us strength. ( Read More )
He doesnt think of all the people whod be effected if he loses, hes only thinking of himself. ( Read More )
But again, just because youre great at something doesnt mean its satisfying. ( Read More )