
2019 - HINDI - MOVIE


The film follows a troubled individual named Birsa who is trapped in a mental asylum, where he reflects on his abusive past and draws connections between his current life and haunting memories, exploring the depths of his internal struggle within the oppressive environment. Rakkhosh is a 2019 Indian Hindi-language Horror film featuring Sanjay Mishra, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Priyanka Bose, Barun Chanda, Namit Das, Ashwath Bhatt and Rohit Gill. SD Motion Pictures Pvt Ltd was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Santosh Deshpande and Sayali Deshpande. Rakkhosh is written by Srivinay Salian and directed by Abhijit Kokate and Srivinay Salian. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Rakkhosh was released on 20th June 2019. Cinematography was done by Basile Pierrat and editing by Dinesh Gopal Poojari. The music was composed by Ashim Kemson.
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Release Date20 JUN 2019




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Rakkhosh Reviews and Ratings

Average Review Rating : positive


Positive Review Rating : 50%

    • Panos Kotzathanasis

      Abhijit Kokate and Srivinay Salian have created a very interesting world, with the POV element adding much to both the asylum setting and the exploration of a troubled mind, and ended up with a rather unique horror film, that definitely deserves a watch ( Read More )
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