D-16 is a thriller movie where Arun investigates a series of murders and eventually discovers a lady magician to be the culprit. Ratsasan is a 2018 Tamil-language Drama Action motion picture featuring Suzane George, Ram, Amala Paul, Kaali and Vishnu Vishal. The film is written and directed by Ram Kumar. Ratsasan was released on 5th October 2018. The Film was successful at box office. Ratsasan was made on a budget of ₹10 crore and it was a super hit at box office gross of ₹100 crore. The music was composed by M Ghibran. At the 2019 South Filmfare Awards It won an award for Best Director.
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Ratsasan Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 64%
IndiaGlitz Team
Will this highly western influenced genre film satisfy all sections of the audiences remains to be seen. ( Read More )
Both films are made for the mainstream but Ratsasan doesnt indulge as much as Imaikka.. does in its commercial trappings. ( Read More )
Behindwoods Review Board
Ratsasan is honest to its genre and does complete justice with no mishaps. ( Read More )
Srinivasa Ramanujam
And that will be enough to keep you at the edge of your seat, glued to the big screen. ( Read More )
She isnt roped in just for duet duties, but theres otherwise no colour in the character. ( Read More )