In a futuristic world, a doctor named Atsuko Chiba uses an illegal device to help psychiatric patients by assuming the identity of her dream alter-ego, Paprika, but chaos ensues when the device is stolen and dreams and reality start to intertwine, leading Atsuko and her allies to uncover the truth and stop the person responsible. Paprika is a 2006 Japanese Japanese-language Animation Drama motion picture featuring Megumi Hayashibara, T Ru Emori, Katsunosuke Hori, T Ru Furuya, Akio Tsuka, K Ichi Yamadera and Ezra Weisz. The movie is inspired from Paprika by Yasutaka Tsutsui. Madhouse was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Jungo Maruta and Masao Takiyama. The movie is directed by Satoshi Kon. Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Paprika was released on 31st March 2022 and takes a screen time of 90 minutes. Paprika was made on a budget of $300 million and at the box office it grossed only $0 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Seishi Minakami and Satoshi Kon. Cinematography was done by Michiya Katou and editing by Takeshi Seyama. The music was composed by Susumu Hirasawa.
Jini Score 9.6/10
Critics Score 78%
Rating 7.7/10
Jini Score 9.6%
Critics Score 78
Rating 7.7
Paprika Watch Online
Date31 MAR 2006
Budget$ 300 MILLION
Japanese, English
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Paprika Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 78%
Rob Gonsalves
Really, the throughline isnt hard to follow, and, despite Devin Faracis unfair slam over at CHUD, Paprika is no more incomprehensible than many a failed Hollywood narrative. ( Read More )
Fernando F. Croce
Reality and fantasy leak into each other in short circuiting jolts in Kons cosmos ( Read More )
Marc Savlov
Paprika, while certainly not suitable for kids, manages to capture the childlike, helter skelter chaos and curiosity of the human mind better than any other animated film. ( Read More )
Nicholas Oon
Drawing from ideas ofthe human psyche as well as the art of filmmaking,Paprika is brimming with creativity, from a writer and director whose understanding of animation was unparalleled. ( Read More )
Ken Hanke
And dont wait to see ityoull kick yourself if you dont see it on the big screenbecause despite good reviews, its fared poorly at the box office and may very well play locally for a very short time. ( Read More )