The Bleach anime series revolves around Ichigo and his friends as they become involved in a series of events involving Soul Reapers, Hollows, and a plot to take over Soul Society, ultimately leading them through various adventures and battles. Bleach is a 2004 Japanese-language Animation Action series featuring Johnny Yong Bosch, Michelle Ruff, Stephanie Sheh, Jamieson Price, Derek Stephen Prince, Kirk Thornton and Rie Kugimiya. Trailer Park Productions in association with Topsail Entertainment , Showcase Television , Sunnyvale Productions and Swearnet Pictures. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Mike Clattenburg, Barrie Dunn, Michael Volpe, Jonathan Walker, Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay and Robb Wells. DEX Distribution acquired the distribution rights for the show. Bleach has 12 seasons and a cumulative total of 105 episodes. The music was composed by Blain Morris along with Marc Mysterio.
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Bleach Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 49%
Lucy Maher
While its more like a traditional cartoon than some of the other, darker Adult Swim offerings, BLEACH is clearly geared toward mature audiences, and some scenes and themes will likely give families pause. ( Read More )
Jason Van Horn
Besides the action and character moments, there was also a scattering of comedy bits... ( Read More )
Eric Vilas-Boas
One of the greatest fantasy action anime tropes of all is the BFS that is, the big f ing sword... Lets not kid ourselves. Bleach is all about the sword. ( Read More )
Panos Kotzathanasis
Even if the annoying elements are quite a lot here, Bleach emerges as one of the top classics of the genre, with the Soul Society and Arrancar arcs being among the best ever to appear in a shonen ( Read More )