The story follows a young intersex woman named Puti who struggles with gender dysmorphia and falls in love with a delivery boy named Madhu da, but tragically takes her own life after being beaten by the eunuch community. Nagarkirtan is a 2017 Indian Bengali-language Drama film starring Riddhi Sen, Ritwick Chakraborty, Bidipta Chakraborty, Sujan Mukherjee, Indrasish Roy, Kaushik Ganguly and Kundan Saha. Acropoliis Entertainment was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Acropoliis Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. The film is written and directed by Kaushik Ganguly. Nagarkirtan was released on 1st January 2017 and takes a screen time of 115 minutes. Cinematography was done by Sirsha Ray and editing by Subhajit Singha. The music was composed by Prabuddha Banerjee. At the 2018 National Film Awards It won an award for Best Actor (Riddhi Sen).
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Nagarkirtan Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 65%
Finally, Nagarkirtan doesnt remain just another love story anymore. ( Read More )
Finally, Nagarkirtan doesnt remain just another love story anymore. ( Read More )
Madhu doesnt quite understand the roots and evolution of his feelings for the boy girl. ( Read More )
Madhu doesnt quite understand the roots and evolution of his feelings for the boy girl. ( Read More )