A teenage boys passion for music is suppressed by his familys disapproval and he develops a strong bond with his rebellious cousin who is dealing with personal issues. Generation Ami is a 2018 Indian Bengali-language Drama motion picture featuring Rwitobroto Mukherjee, Sauraseni Maitra, Aparajita Auddy, Shantilal Mukherjee, Aparajita Adhya, Aritra Sengupta and Anusha Vishwanathan. Shree Venkatesh Films was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Mahendra Soni and Shrikant Mohta. The motion picture is written and directed by Mainak Bhaumik. Generation Ami was released on 23rd November 2018. The screenplay for the movie was written by Mainak Bhaumik. Cinematography was done by Manoj Karmakar and editing by Amir Mondal. The music was composed by Arindam Chatterjee along with Arindom Chatterjee.
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Generation Ami Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 55%
Add to this the absolutely flawless performance of one of my favourite contemporary actresses in Bengali cinema the ever charming Aparajita Auddy. ( Read More )
Apu doesnt have the maturity, the confidence, and the stubble and the bike that banyan tree has. ( Read More )
The father has seen the ups and downs of life as a humble salaried man and is afraid of what life might have in store for Apu. ( Read More )