Bombay Summer is a film that explores the lives of three individuals in Mumbai, India, as they face personal challenges, experience love and betrayal, and navigate the complexities of friendship and relationships in the vibrant and diverse city. Bombay Summer is a 2010 Hindi-language Drama movie starring Tannishtha Chatterjee, Samrat Chakrabarti, Jatin Goswami, Gaurav Dwivedi, Shilpi Arora, Paran Bawa and Karan Arora. Bombay Summer was Produced by Ajeet Singh, Joseph Mathew and Sanjay Bhattacharya. The film is written and directed by Joseph Mathew. Bombay Summer was released on 8th October 2010.
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Bombay Summer Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 55%
Nick Pinkerton
Mathew Varghese has a mostly casual, anecdotal approach to establishing character, and the emotional verity of the actors (Chatterjee is unaffected, and very fetching for it) grounds the last reels pathosthough Bombay Summers keen sense of nostalgia for a fleeting present is the real heartbreaker. ( Read More )
Mike Hale
More damaging to the film are its beyond deliberate pace and emotional reticence theres no urgency in the lovers shifting alliances or the dangers facing Madan, and when the inevitable reckonings arrive, its hard to muster much concern. ( Read More )
Avi Offer
A truly great romantic comedy ought to be funny, insightful, touching, grounded in reality and have some palpable chemistry between its stars. ( Read More )
Diego Semerene
And the moral of the inter caste tale feels more cautionary than celebratory. ( Read More )