Ripley is an American psychological thriller television series based on Patricia Highsmith s 1955 crime novel The Talented Mr. Ripley. Starring Andrew Scott as Tom Ripley, Johnny Flynn as Dickie Greenleaf and Dakota Fanning as Marge Sherwood, the eight-episode limited series was created, written and directed by Steven Zaillian. Ripley was originally set to air on Showtime, but in February 2023, the series moved to Netflix. It premiered on April 4, 2024.
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Ripley Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 60%
Erik Anderson
Later Dickie tells Marge he thinks Tom might be queer to which Marge quips, I dont think hes sexual at all. ( Read More )
Lori Meek
Tom Ripley is a fascinating character created by a crime novelist back in 1955. Little did she know that in 2024, after several on screen adaptations, her creation would be perfectly embodied by Andrew Scott. ( Read More )
Juanma Fernández ParÃs
Those expecting a conventional suspense offering may be frustrated with the miniseries slow pace. However, anchoring the series firmly in the distorted mind of the titular character has a lasting and interesting dramatic impact. ( Read More )
Anne Brodie
Is It Cake S3 launches with a mystery theme, set in an old world billiard/library of gilt edged tomes and oops, the garden gnome isnt cake but the table its standing on IS! ( Read More )