Manhunt: Unabomber is a dark and psychologically intense TV show that follows different cases each season, with the first season focusing on the hunt for the Unabomber and the second season centering around the search for serial killer Levi Bellfield. Manhunt is a 2017 American English-language Biography Crime television show starring Sam Worthington, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Bobb, Keisha Castle-hughes, Lynn Collins, Br An F. O byrne and Nick Marcucci. Discovery Communications in association with Trigger Street Productions. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) David A. Rosemont. Creators of the series include Andrew Sodroski, Jim Clemente and Tony Gittelson. Manhunt has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 18 episodes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. The music was composed by Gregory Tripi along with Harry Gregson-williams and Stephanie Economou.
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