Nightmare City


A TV reporter and his wife struggle to survive in a world where humans have been mutated by radiation and can only be killed by destroying their brain. Nightmare City is a 1983 English-language film starring Hugo Stiglitz, Laura Trotter, Maria Rosaria Omaggio and Mel Ferrer. Nightmare City was Produced by Luis M Ndez and Diego Alchimede. The movie is directed by Umberto Lenzi. New Fida acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Nightmare City was released on 17th November 1983 and takes a screen time of 90 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by Piero Regnoli, Tony Corti and Jose Luis Delgado. Cinematography was done by Hans Burman Sanchez and editing by Daniele Alabiso. The music was composed by Stelvio Cipriani.

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Release Date17 NOV 1983


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