Kya Yeh Bombay Hai ?

1959 - HINDI - MOVIE


Kya Yeh Bombay Hai is a 1959 Hindi comedy film that portrays the lively and diverse city of Bombay (now Mumbai) through different characters navigating humorous situations, capturing the essence of the bustling metropolis with its vibrant streets, crowded markets, and melting pot of cultures. Kya Yeh Bombay Hai ? is a 1959 Hindi-language Drama movie starring Nishi, Master Maruti, W.m. Khan, Munshi Munakka, Tun Tun, Jeevan Kala and Roshan. Kya Yeh Bombay Hai ? is written by Rajkumar and directed by Nanubhai Vakil. Kya Yeh Bombay Hai ? was released on 1st January 1959.
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Release Date01 JAN 1959




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