Old Yeller


Adventure Drama Family Western

A boy and his dog, Old Yeller, form a bond and experience various challenges together, but Old Yeller tragically contracts rabies and has to be put down, leaving the boy to cherish their memories. Old Yeller is a 1957 American English-language Adventure Drama film featuring Dorothy Mcguire, Fess Parker, Jeff York, Tommy Kirk, Kevin Corcoran, Beverly Washburn and Jumper. The movie is based on Old Yeller by Fred Gipson. Walt Disney Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Walt Disney. The movie is directed by Robert Stevenson. Buena Vista Distribution acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Old Yeller was released on 28th March 1958 and takes a screen time of 84 minutes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. The movie made a box office gross of $6 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Fred Gipson and William Tunberg. Cinematography was done by Charles P. Boyle and editing by Stanley E. Johnson. The music was composed by Oliver Wallace along with Will Schaefer.
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₹ 499 per year
Release Date28 MAR 1958

, English


Adventure , Drama , Family , Western

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