The New Godfathers


An Italian officer and a head of illegal cigarette trade in Naples work together to intercept a drug shipment coming from Iran and Turkey. The New Godfathers is a 1979 English-language film starring Mario Merola, Antonio Sab To, Gianni Garko and Jeff Blynn. P.A.C.-Produzioni Atlas Consorziate was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Ciro Ippolito. The movie is directed by Alfonso Brescia. P.A.C. acquired the distribution rights for the film. The New Godfathers was released on 24th August 1979. The motion picture made a box office gross of $0 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Piero Regnoli and Ciro Ippolito. Cinematography was done by Silvio Fraschetti.

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Release Date24 AUG 1979


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