Ninaivellam Nee

2000 - TAMIL - MOVIE


Coming Soon is a widely used marketing technique in the entertainment industry that generates excitement and intrigue by withholding specific details, such as the title, and instead releasing promotional materials to build anticipation and ignite speculation among fans and the media. Ninaivellam Nee is a 2000 Indian Tamil-language Drama motion picture starring Sai Kumar Pudipeddi, Shobharaj, Preetha Vijayakumar and Napoleon Duraisamy. Shiva & Shiva Arts was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Thriller Manju. The movie is directed by Thriller Manju. Ninaivellam Nee was released on 6th October 2000. The screenplay for the movie was written by Thriller Manju. Cinematography was done by Manohar C. and editing by R. Janardhan. The music was composed by Sadhu Kokila.
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Release Date06 OCT 2000



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