Mangalashtak Once More is a Marathi film that explores the intricacies of marriage and love, highlighting the challenges of sustaining love and the emotional struggle between a couple. Mangalashtak Once More is a 2013 Indian Marathi-language Drama Romance movie featuring Swwapnil Joshi, Mukta Barve, Sai Tamhankar, Kadambari Kadam, Hemant Dhome And Vijay Pathwardhan, Swapnil Joshi and Kadambari Desai. Shree Aadhya Films was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Renu Desai. Mangalashtak Once More is written by Sameer Joshi and directed by Samir Joshi and Sameer Joshi. Mangalashtak Once More was released on 22nd November 2013 and takes a screen time of 125 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by Sameer Joshi. Cinematography was done by Sanjay Jadhav and editing by Suchitra Sathe. The music was composed by Nilesh Moharir.
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