Jambo Jumbo



Narrated by Sir Richard Branson, the documentary is stylized and observational with an internal narrative built through intimate portrayals of 10 European volunteers who volunteer to help rebuild a school. Through the children in this abandoned school and their families we a human side of the Masai and the troubles its people face. The beauty of nature, the joy, the pain, the hope of the volunteers as well as the community they are there to help. This is a documentary about hope and what a small group of people can do in little time and how that can have a lasting effect and can not only help change the lives of others of but also change their own lives forever. Written by Debe Scott Jambo Jumbo is a 2010 English-language Documentary film featuring Richard Branson, Amanda Van Annan, Gia Bay, Mark Brazier, Jacqui Cooper, Amaresh Joshi and Emma Thompson.
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Release Date2010




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