Steven Universe is an animated TV series about a group of ageless alien warriors who protect the world alongside Steven, a half-human, half-gem boy, as he learns to control his inherited powers and becomes a valuable member of the Crystal Gems. Steven Universe is a 2013 American English-language Animation Action television show featuring Zach Callison, Deedee Magno, Michaela Dietz, Estelle, Tom Scharpling, Matthew Moy and Rita Rani Ahuja. Cartoon Network Studios was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Jackie Buscarino and Chuck Austen. Series originally aired on Cartoon Network. Warner Bros. Television Distribution acquired the distribution rights for the television show. Creator of the series is Rebecca Sugar. Steven Universe has 5 seasons and a cumulative total of 160 episodes which have a running time of 11 minutes each. The music was composed by Rebecca Sugar along with Aivi & Surasshu.
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Steven Universe Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 89%
Shamus Kelley
In the hands of a lesser creative team this would be a forgettable outing but the closer you look the more you realize this is a spectacular introduction to the characters and format of the series. ( Read More )
Shamus Kelley
It was a solid outing for the show, although some fans will no doubt be miffed that they didnt use the double length episode for a story akin to Bismuth. ( Read More )
Shamus Kelley
All that posturing and lying about himself has created a lot of self doubt, to the point where Lars doesnt even think hes capable of anything. ( Read More )
Emily Ashby
There are far worse kids shows out there and SU is a breath of fresh air. ( Read More )
Kat Smalley
The show isnt content staying within the ordinary dichotomies gay, straight; male, female either. ( Read More )