Aaj Ka Raavan Raaj

2007 - HINDI - MOVIE


The film tells the story of Seenu, a loyal servant who falls in love with his faction leaders daughter, but faces opposition from his leader and rival factions, leading to a thrilling journey of overcoming obstacles, fighting for love and justice, and promoting the value of unity and love over violence. Aaj Ka Raavan Raaj is a 2007 Hindi-language Action motion picture starring Tottempudi Gopichand in the title role. Aaj Ka Raavan Raaj was Produced by Babu Rao Pokuri. The film is written and directed by As Ravi Kumar Chowdary. Aaj Ka Raavan Raaj was released on 1st January 2007.

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Release Date01 JAN 2007




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Cast & Crew

  • Director