

The Malayalam drama, Shudhikalasham, follows the return of Kumar, also known as Kuwait Kumar, to his home country and his battle against the powerful businessman Mr. G K Menon, exploring themes of friendship, loyalty, and overcoming adversity, with the film receiving praise for its talented cast and skillful direction. Shudhikalasham is a 1979 Indian Malayalam-language motion picture starring Madhu, Srividya, Sankaradi and Aryad Gopalakrishnan. Uma Arts was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Madhu. Shudhikalasham is written by K. Radhakrishnan and directed by P. Chandrakumar. Uma Arts acquired the distribution rights for the movie. The screenplay for the movie was written by K. Radhakrishnan. Cinematography was done by R. N. Pillai and editing by G. Venkittaraman. The music was composed by Shyam.

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Release Date1979



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