A group of time-traveling humans, assuming the identities of people in the 21st century, work to prevent a disastrous future while facing suspicion from a federal agent, ultimately leading to a shocking revelation about the fate of humanity. Travelers is a 2016 English-language Drama Mystery television series featuring Eric Mccormack, Mackenzie Porter, Nesta Cooper, Jared Abrahamson, Reilly Dolman, Patrick Gilmore and Kerry Sandomirsky. Peacock Alley Entertainment was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Eric Mccormack. Showcase acquired the distribution rights for the television show. Creator of the series is Brad Wright. Travelers has 3 seasons and a cumulative total of 34 episodes which have a running time of 45 minutes each. The music was composed by Adam Lastiwka.
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Travelers Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Succeeding in their mission comes with more immediate costs, which doesnt sit well with some of the travelers. ( Read More )