The story follows a detective and a vengeful individual, both struggling with their identities in the underground crime scene of Los Angeles, as they transform from killers to samurais amidst rival criminal syndicates and confront their inner and outer conflicts, ultimately converging paths for a climactic confrontation that delves into the human psyche deeply affected by violence and moral introspection in a dark city. Too Old to Die Young is a 2019 English-language Crime Drama television show starring William Baldwin, Celestino Cornielle, Nell Tiger Free, Alexander Gomez, John Hawkes, Callie Hernandez and Olivia Emiliana.
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Too Old to Die Young Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
The script by Refn, Ed Brubaker and Halley Wegryn Gross isnt very mysterious in nature, but as hes done with both 2013s Only God Forgives and 2016s The Neon Demon, Refn directs his actors to deliver their lines in a deliberate and often unnatural rhythm. ( Read More )