In Tokyo, a college student named Kaneki becomes a ghoul-human hybrid after a ghoul named Rize attacks him, forcing him to grapple with his newfound hunger for human flesh and his struggle to maintain his humanity in a world where ghouls prey on humans, all while navigating the blurred lines of morality and searching for his true identity. Tokyo Ghoul is a 2014 Japanese-language Animation Action television show featuring Natsuki Hanae, Austin Tindle, Sora Amamiya, Brina Palencia, Clifford Chapin, Sean Hennigan and Jad Saxton.
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Tokyo Ghoul Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Tokyo Ghoul S is the sequel to 2017s live action Tokyo Ghoul, an adaptation of the dark fantasy / horror manga and anime series Tokyo Ghoul. ( Read More )
Like many lower budget manga/anime adaptations, Tokyo Ghoul S feels more like a serialized television special than a movie during some moments but thats not always a bad thing. ( Read More )