Lorna Brady, a sleepwalking survivor of Perus Magdalene Laundries, wakes up to find a corpse in her home, leading her to confront her fragmented memories and trauma while struggling to uncover the truth about the deceased and her own identity. The Woman In The Wall is a 2023 English-language Drama Mystery series starring Ruth Wilson, Daryl Mccormack, Simon Delaney, Philippa Dunne, Mark Huberman, Hilda Fay and Lauren Kinsella.
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The Woman In The Wall Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 79%
David Cote
If in its back end the series devolves into a more formulaic whodunit and tale of Catholic Church coverups, the fine cast keeps you emotionally engaged and the filmmaking is fairly lush, with Harry Wootliff and Rachna Suri alternating directing duties on the six episode season. ( Read More )
Ty'Kira Smalls
Mixed in is a well paced storyline and offbeat humor that balances out the darkness. ( Read More )
Lili Loofbourow
Death has a few twists too many, but its a pleasant and surprisingly digestible watch despite some formally complicated flashbacks and an enormous cast. ( Read More )
Maggie Boccella
Though built around a character who cant seem to rest, this series may also put you to sleep. ( Read More )
Lacy Baugher
When the separate tracks of their stories finally connect, The Woman in the Wall becomes something much greater than the sum of its parts. ( Read More )