The show follows the charismatic mechanic Bennie Upshaw and his efforts to create a loving environment for his family in Indianapolis, as they navigate everyday struggles and strive for a better life, showcasing their interactions, mishaps, and personal growth in a relatable and light-hearted manner. The Upshaws is a 2021 English-language Comedy series starring Journey Christine, Michael Estime, Jermelle Simon, Kim Fields, Diamond Lyons, Mike Epps and Hayley Marie Norman.
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The Upshaws Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : neutral
Positive Review Rating : 45%
Kristen Baldwin
Shouldnt you be somewhere stomping on Tokyo) And Gabrielle Dennis (A Black Lady Sketch Show) is cheeky perfection as Bennies baby mama, Tasha. ( Read More )
Caroline Framke
He never entirely had to grow up, so when hes trying or recognizes that hes messed up, his apologies tend to be self centered and entirely presumptive of Reginas forgiveness. ( Read More )
Inkoo Kang
But Bennies antiheroic qualities dont make The Upshaws characters any less two dimensional or its dusty jokes any funnier. ( ( Read More )
Joel Keller
Joel Keller (@joelkeller) writes about food, entertainment, parenting and tech, but he doesnt kid himself: hes a TV junkie. ( Read More )