In an alternate reality where the Allied Powers lost World War II, Juliana receives a film that sends her on a mission to save the United States from imminent destruction, while Joe discovers his true identity in Berlin, Smith faces a difficult decision concerning his son, Frank tries to rescue Ed, and Tagomi experiences a significant event in a parallel world. The Man in the High Castle is a 2015 English-language Drama Sci-Fi series starring Alexa Davalos, Dj Qualls, Joel De La Fuente, Cary-hiroyuki Tagawa, Rufus Sewell, Rupert Evans and Rich Ting.
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The Man in the High Castle Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 74%
Scott Von Doviak
Its a premise with enormous potential, but its hampered by the dull characters at its center. ( Read More )
Lauren Carroll Harris
The dialogue sparkles with satisfyingly corny one liners (Im too old for this shit) and the mullets are glorious. ( Read More )
Euan Ferguson
Theres also a dodgy jailbird on the loose and the dead LGBT lesbians hulking Afghan vet son going tootsie, and, oh, theres dark and theres lovely. ( Read More )
Chris Cabin
That being said, as an entertainment, The Man in the High Castle is Amazons most assured and riveting production since Transparent, even as it is lacking for that dramedys grace and unforced, immediate relevancy. ( Read More )
Melissa Maerz
For anyone who misses Eastbounds Kenny Powers, heres your new favorite character. ( Read More )