A group of children including Peter, Mary Ann, and Sauli face bullying at school but are transported into a computer where they meet animated toys, travel to ancient Israel, witness David defeating Goliath, and return home with newfound courage. The Kingdom is a 2021 American Spanish-language Crime Drama television series featuring Christopher Fitzgerald, Jenna Von O, Andrew Cassese, Scott Menville, Sandi Patti, Paul Winchell and Carina Cardoni. The Kingdom is written by :, Squire D. Rushnell, Jeffrey Scott and Jeanne Betancourt and it is directed by :, Bernard Deyri S and Colin Chilvers. The show has a running time of 60 minutes for each episode. The music was composed by Joe Raposo.
Jini Score 8.0/10
Rating 6.4/10
Jini Score 8.0%
Rating 6.4
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