A new coach leads a group of young roller hockey players who aim to protect their club and succeed in their personal lives, highlighting their determination and resilience. The Hockey Girls is a 2019 Spanish English-language Drama Sport television series starring Iria Del Río, Nora Navas, Júlia Gibert, Mireia Oriol, Asia Ortega, Nil Cardoner and Clàudia Font. The series is directed by Patr Cia Font, Kiko Ruiz Claverol and Marta Pahissa. Creators of the series include Laura Azemar S nchez, Nat lia Boadas Prats, Marta Vivet and Ona Anglada Pujol. The Hockey Girls has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 26 episodes which have a running time of 50 min. each.
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