A small rural town is taken over by alien creatures that turn its inhabitants into hosts, triggering a rapid spread of the infestation and leaving the town on the verge of annihilation. Seedpeople is a 1992 American Italiano-language Horror Thriller show starring Sam Hennings, Andrea Roth, Stefanie Austin, Genevieve Degraves, Jalin Desloges, Trevor Kristjanson and Michael Gregory. Seedpeople was Produced by Anne Kelly and Charles Band. Seedpeople is written by Charles Band and Jackson Barr and it is directed by Peter Manoogian. Full Moon Entertainment acquired the distribution rights for the show. Seedpeople was released on 21st October 1992 and takes a screen time of 87 minutes for each episode. Cinematography was done by Adolfo Bartoli and editing by Tom Barrett and Bert Glatstein. The music was composed by Bob Mithoff.
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